2023 - 2024
Programs and Workshops
June 6 - Social Event - Potluck Supper
May 7 – Karen Abrahamovich - “State Quilts & More"
March 5 - Elaine Quehl “From Inspiration to Art Quilt”
February 6 – “Irish Quilters”
ZOOM only meeting - Join us from the comfort of your home
ZOOM only meeting - Join us from the comfort of your home
January 2 - Jane Hauprich “How Should I Quilt This?”
ZOOM only meeting - join us from the comfort of home
ZOOM only meeting - join us from the comfort of home
December 5 - Social Event
November 7 - Julie Poirier Mathur “There’s An App for That”
October 3 - Judith Eisenberg “Quilt Conservation”
September 5 - Barn Quilt of Vermont
August 1 - Ice Cream Social