January 3, 2023
Zoom Only
Melinda Bula - "The Power & Secret of Color" - Lecture
This lecture is via Zoom only. Have you ever wanted more confidence in knowing how to pick the right colors? Why is it that some people gravitate to the right colors while others struggle? Learn how this artist looks at color and the science behind color. Melinda will demonstrate how this color magic works and give you more color
confidence. Learn these color tricks that are sure to help you when making your next quilt. |
Melinda hails from Sacramento, CA. Before becoming a quilt designer & teacher, she worked in interior design field as a fabric and wallpaper designer. Those designs have
been featured in Better Homes and Gardens magazine & Sunset design books. Her Fabulous Fusible Flowers technique is featured in her 2 books- Cutting Garden Quilts, and Candy Cane Lane, both published by the Martingale Company. She has exhibited around the country and internationally, including as a featured artist at the Shelburne Museum. |
Non-members are welcome to join us by Zoom. Call info will be emailed prior to the lecture.